Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bibs from a Towel & A Feature at Apartment Therapy!

This week I've had a bit of an 'I can't believe it' moment. When I got up one morning and checked on my blog, I'd had over a thousand visitors over night. I guess that might be normal  for some bloggers, but for this little blogger that's out of this world. My immediate thought was someone was hacking my blog ( I don't even know if that can happen, but that's what I suspected). Then I looked at my traffic sources, and found this!!

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I'm beyond excited... I have absolutely no idea how it happened, but I'm very grateful. You can check out the feature here, or my original post here.

Now, lets get back to my project! If you're linen cupboard is anything like mine, it's way too small, but more importantly, you have a pile of towels that are no longer your favourite, but are not quite ready for the rubbish heap. In need to some new bibs for Harry I thought I'd try another re-purposing project and turn an old towel into some bibs.

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To start, I cut a rectangle (35cm x 25cm) out of my towel. Then from the centre top, I cut down 7cm, and then cut out a circle. I checked the circle a couple of times on Harry just to make sure; loose enough not to choke, tight enough that nothing slips done under it and onto his clothes.

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For my first one, I used some binding I had lying around and attached it right around the edges. I should mention, Harry hates to wear a bib. Really hates it. Struggles, thrashes, carries on like a pork chop, and ends up ripping it off. So, no velcro for him, he needs a snap fastener. To do that, I used another piece of the binding, folded in half, and then attached one end to the bib. On the other end I attached the fastener. The fasteners were another find in the old sewing box, so they are the sew in kind.

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Of course, you could go to town and really embellish these if you wanted to. With mine I've tried to add some interest but not get carried away. What I really like about these is that they are big -  most of the bibs I'd seen in the shops were small and things ended up getting on Harry's clothes regardless.

I'm really loving this re-purposing thing - making use of things destined for land fill leaves me with a great feeling.

Thanks for stopping by

I'm sharing at...
Make Grow Thrift
Tip Junkie
Sugar Bee Crafts
Live Laugh Rowe
The Train to Crazy
Sew Many Ways


  1. Congrats on the feature...you deserve it!!
    Awesome idea for re purposing towells, especially when you can make them big! You're so right about the bought ones, they can be a little on the small side.

  2. Woo Hoo! It's very exciting when other blogs feature your content. It makes all that hard work of blogging worthwhile. Good on you.

  3. I loved the big ones when my girls were little. Especially as they started to feed themselves, the big ones were the best. These are very cute with the designs on them.

  4. hello Catherine! I'm following a link from Sew Many Ways blog Find a Friend Friday. I too love to recycle, remake, redo other things people want to trash. I hope you'll come visit me over at http://www.breesmimidesigns.blogspot.com.

  5. Thats a great bib & good on you for being featured with your coffee table make over that is stunning what you did loved the transformation :)


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