Sunday, May 27, 2012

Do What You Love...

My brain has been a growing jumble of ideas and aspirations for the last month or so. This sums it up nicely...

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I've always been a goal setter and list maker, but since leaving the corporate world I've done little of either. I realised this week that the state of flux was in part because I felt aspirationless. One thing I do know is that I don't want my old career back; after nearly 15 years in Human Resources I don't have the desire to urge companies to at least do the legal thing, if they can't do the right thing. Of course it wasn't all bad, in fact a large portion of it was great, but it just doesn't fill me with inspiration. SO something has to change...

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Creating a career opportunity utilising my creativity is the challenge. It means deciding what I want to do, rather than what I should do. Listening to my heart rather than my head. It's taking a leap of faith...

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To be continued...

I'd love to know - do you do what you love?

1 comment:

  1. Well we are kinda in the same boat!! I stopped hairdressing because I lost my passion for it and figured I'd just be a full time mum while I figure out what else I'm passionate about.
    Now my youngest is two and I feel I need something that is for me, to fullfil me.
    I definitely would only pursue something that I love and am passionate about because that is what I've always done...and I do kinda know which direction I'm heading, it's just scary when all I've ever known is hair and running a salon.
    Anyway, I'll get there, as will you - when the time is right!!
    I keep telling myself (and it's one of my fave sayings) 'feel the fear and do it anyway!!


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