Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #12 - What's Going on?

What a week!!! I had posts planned for last weekend, and for the Monday just gone, and they just didn't get done. I have a garage full of stuff that is still stuff and not beautiful pieces of furniture ready for a new home. Some weeks are just like that right?? Can't get too up tight about these things...

Last weekend I visited the Tender Centre (I wrote about it here) and bid on a bunch of things...

 photo ThriftyThursday12_zps7749a276.jpg

...and didn't get a single one! I was seriously disappointed, but that's the challenge with that process. You win some you loose some, and in this case, nine. Would you believe the reserve for the peacock chair was $15?

So to get my fix this week I visited an op shop and found this...

 photo AnotherupholsteredOttoman_zpsc13d9689.jpg

I love coffee tables with a lower shelf, and think this one will be fantastic when repainted. So I ended the week (well almost) feeling much better!

So there you have it. Loads going on and not a whole lot to show for it! Will be more organised next week!

Thanks for stopping by...


  1. Hi there...this Tender Centre sounds like something I really need to discover!!!!
    I'm on the Central Coast also...can you please let me know where this magical place is? :0)

  2. some cute stuff, what a shame you didn't get any!

  3. Oh, too bad you lost out on those items! But I have to say, I never can figure out how you get stuff so cheap! A pool cue with a tennis ball glued on top would go for a $150 as a *vintage* walking stick around here!

    I was really wondering what you would do with the peacock chair, too! Have you checked your Kijiji/Craigs list? I think those are available in my town...

  4. Drat it! There was some seriously cool stuff in there. Oh well, next time :) That's an awesome coffee table thought, I imagine it will come up beautifully!
    Cas x

  5. Sounds a little like my week! It all started so well then the weather turned stinking hot and humid so couldn't paint!!
    So sad you missed out on the peacock chair - I so would have driven all the way up just to 'borrow' it ;-)
    Here's to a productive week next week!!


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