Friday, February 24, 2012

Thrifty Finds

I've become a self confessed thrift junky! I can't go past an opportunity / thrift shop without running inside (unless I have Emma and Harry, and then it all depends on the day where having!) to have a look. And don't get me started on curb side trash treasures... I've been really lucky!

This week I found one great suitcase, and was given another! I had planned the red one for Emma's room, but I can't make my mind up (damn that pinterest!). Not sure about the navy one, it's really big, so will have to think about to (ie spend more time on pinterest!)

 photo thriftyfinds_zps6f37d733.jpg

And then there's the table soon to be a desk that I found on the side of the road. It's a terrible photo, but as mentioned in my perfectly imperfect post, my camera seems to have died and I'm using my phone.

 photo magicalforesttable2_zps10e6936c.jpg

And finally, this stool I got from a lovely lady on freecycle. Can't wait to make it over!

 photo stool_zpsb9b2ae4e.jpg

How's your thrifty business going?

1 comment:

  1. Cool suitcases and I'd love to do that footstool too!!
    I've been having some success at thrifting lately to! It's either - I can't find anything or everytime I go I find something! Lately it's been the latter, which is good timing as I needed some more projects to a hole in the head!!!


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