Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thrifty Thursday #17 on ANZAC Day

Today is ANZAC Day in Australia - the day where we remember those men and women who fought for our country throughout history and who continue to fight today. There will be many posts from Australians across the country who will describe the day in a more eloquent way than I ever could, but I thought I would share a little glimpse of what it is for my family.

My own Father fought in WWII by forging his birth certificate, serving at the very end of the war in Darwin and Papua New Guinea (yes, he was in his late 60's when I was born... but that's a story for another day). He hardly spoke of it, nor did he ever attend a service or march to my knowledge. I was too young to understand, and then old enough to know he would share it if he could. I have his medals, and those of his Fathers, (my grandfathers, from WWI) and today I showed them to my children. They are too young to understand what it all means, but I'm grateful to have these memories to share, having lost him in 2009.

Today, like most days, I think of him.

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Lest We Forget


I picked up a few bits and pieces in the last week or so, some for Paisley Vintage and some to keep.

I love this little table, she's already had a makeover but here she is original. I love the cut out on the leg, and she is looking quite lovely now (If I do say so myself!) And of course, the ceramic owl. The owl is staying put; I loved him as soon as I saw him and now I'm just looking for the perfect spot. Unfortunately the perfect spot needs to be out of the reach of the little people, so I'm still looking. Someone else loved him too - he was hidden on the bottom shelf, right at the back, covered with a blanket. Sometimes a trip to the op shop with small people who like to hide in dark places can be quite useful!

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The wire below I thought would be great painted a bright colour and attached to a wall somewhere. I have a few windows that look out on to colour bond fencing, and a few blank brick walls, so it's another keeper. The gold frames were a bargain that will be heading out to market with me this weekend. I'm leaving them gold, but if they don't sell I might try a colour on them. The pictures are just cut out from magazines, so they'll be coming out ;)

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The last one is this ginormous coffee table. Seriously, this thing is REALLY long. But it is so cool. She's in the middle of her makeover right now and will share when she's finished. Lets just say she's not for the faint hearted :)

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