Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thrifty Thursday - When Life Gives you Lemons

I was psyched for op shopping yesterday. I had cleaned out the car, I had clothes made for carrying furniture, I had cash. What I didn't have was an open op shop. I drove half an hour to my favourite shop only to find they were closed for a grey nomad conference. ARGH!!!

Luckily Harry was asleep so I drove to a shop closer to home, but without the great prices. I did come home with this though....

 photo lampbase_zps5d5957e6.jpg

Of course the shade has to go, but I really love the base. I won't paint it, for some reason I don't feel the need to, but will probably take it along to the market this weekend and see if  else loves it too.

The other lovely I picked up was this...

 photo wallmirror_zps4f9154a1.jpg

I walked past it a couple of times, unconvinced, and left it completely when Harry pulled all the VHS tapes off a shelf nearby, but came back eventually and decided that she should come home with me.  And check out the wall paper on the back!

 photo wallmirror2_zpseb388ca9.jpg

I think I'll take her to the market too - and if she comes home again I know just where she's going to live :)

Speaking of the market - these two are just about ready to go...

 photo tieredshelves_zps3e9b2ef5.jpg photo greyandwhitechair_zps692eef58.jpg

While you're here - I'd love to hear from anyone who had bamboo flooring. We are wanting to get rid of all our completely disgusting carpet in the living rooms and are considering bamboo. If you have it, or have looked at it, I'd love to hear what you think...

Thanks for stopping by...


  1. Ooh, love that lamp base too!! Any cool shade would work with that base :-)
    Sorry, don't know anything about bamboo floors!

  2. bummer about the shop but your lamp is super cool! and hello what is that minty goodness.... LOVE that peek!
    and no bamboo here... a friend of mine had it because it was eco friendly though and he was very disappointed at how soft it was and got banged up easily. but maybe it was that brand- who knows!

  3. Great finds despite the first shop being closed! I don't have bamboo floors, but I have heard great things about them. Hardwood floors are great in general. My son's allergies got so much better when we took out the carpet. Good luck!


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